• M.L.K Prayer Breakfast

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    Name: M.L.K Prayer Breakfast
    Date: January 4, 2025
    Event Description:
    MLK Prayer Breakfast
    Speaker: Elder Stephen Booth, Associate Pastor  
                    St. Mark Community Church
                    Jacksonville, Arkansas
    Odie B. Williams Multi-Purpose Center
    220 Vine Street
    Malvern, AR  72104
    Date/Time Information:
    Saturday, January 4, 2025
    9:00 a.m.
    Contact Information:
    Ms. Fannie Ready - (501) 304-2639 or Ms. Beverly Lomack (501) 844-5437
    Tickets: $15 Adults and $20 at the door
                  $10 Children 12 and under or a student
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